Women Fellowship
Judson Baptist Church Women Fellowship (JBCWF) was formed in year 1993 by a group of women – married and single , young and old. Our fellowship equip women to know Christ, grow in Christ, worship Christ, Serve Christ and share Christ in order that we may serve our families, our Church and our country.
Our Core Values and Beliefs
1.We value the presence of God with us.
We all women are strengthened through our intimacy with God reflecting our love for and dependence upon Him.We pray because we believe God wants to hear from us and He answers prayer individually, for each other, group prayer or 24 hours Chain prayer once a month together.
2.We value equipping women so that His body is edified.
We exhort
- to be learners of the Word
- to be doers of the Word leading with their God-given talents and gifts,
- to be lovers of their families and of the Body,
- to be lookers for those women who want to know and/or to grow in Christ…. by studying, sharing and discussing “Women in the Bible” once a month.
3.We value the study of the Bible so that God’s wisdom is revealed.
We focus on God’s Word and are shaped by His character.
We are responsible for
- helping women to understand God’s Word.
- applying the truths (God’s Word) in our lives.
- adopting and obeying biblical principles…….. through Pastors from Church and as well as Guest Pastors.
4.We value generosity in serving and in giving.
We encourage women to practice the generous use of time, talent, and money for God’s work demonstrating Christ’s love.
We share generously
- from the talents and gifts God has given us.
- from the resources God has given us.
- ourselves with all in the Body of Christ by sharing love gifts and visiting those who are hospitalised and lost their loved ones .
Our significant talents are cooking “Delicious nourishing tasty aromas food” , bringing to church/ retreat / camp and serving each other and as well as our fellow brothers and sisters in Church.
5; We value a mature Christian lifestyle.
We “JBCWF” have “Testimony Sharing “ by providing opportunities for women to share their individual encountered with Christ, how God’s work in their lives and affected the lives of our fellow sisters . At the same time, we learned how to listen and love and encourage our sisters when their relationship experience differ from our own.
We practice discipleship, submission, evangelism and Kingdom living in the Church.